
Members of the Lab Prentice team with Prof Iain Colin Prentice (third from left)

The Lab Prentice team is led by Prof Iain Colin Prentice, FRS, of Imperial College London. Our research focuses on understanding how plants react to and interact with changes in climate and other aspects of the physical environment. Our priority is to develop the ‘next generation’ dynamic global vegetation models based on eco-evolutionary optimality principles.

The team conduct our research primarily through three main projects:

  1. REALM: Reinventing Ecosystem And Land-surface Models
  2. LEMONTREE: Land Ecosystem Models based On New Theory, obseRvations and ExperimEnts
  3. Leverhulme Centre for Wildfires, Environment and Society

You can find out more about these projects on this website. We look forward to sharing our research with you through our blog.